There are so many tasks we tell ourselves we’re going to complete. Sometimes, we accomplish them. Other times, we keep ignoring them because we constantly make excuses for ourselves. At this stage in my life, I tend to be the latter. Even though I repeatedly tell myself I’m finally going to get something done, I never get around to do so. It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself, and it’s embarrassing to admit.
One of these tasks that I’ve failed previously to keep is successfully completing the #100DaysOfCode Challenge, a way to consistently get into the daily habit of coding. More details can be found on the official website here.
But the great thing about acknowledging a bad habit is it’s the first step to changing myself for the better. Anything truly is possible if you make the effort to do so, even on days your heart isn’t 100 percent invested.
Because of this, I’m restarting the challenge for a third time and will make sure to document my progress on the blog. You can follow my progress on different projects here with the tag #100DaysOfCode.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Image by James Osborne from Pixabay.