Day 13: Client Website

Photo of a blurred tabletop, a notebook with goals, and a hand writing a new goal on the list.

Whoops, I missed another day… But that’s okay because I came back! 😉

Slow but steady progress is how I look at my tiny victories. These are the goals I completed:

  • I started setting up the HTML for the other pages.
  • I finally figured out how to resize a Bootstrap svg image. I was having issues as I noticed it wasn’t responding to the height/width values. After some testing of different class names, I found you use the second half of the Bootstrap class name with the period notation as in regular CSS.
  • I shifted the logo to the left for a smaller screen size and made it a hyperlink.
  • I continued working on responsiveness on smaller screens. I found some helpful tips from MDN such as the keyword only not working in newer browsers, and the use of the orientation attribute here from a Stack Overflow post.

Photo by StockSnap on Pixabay.