Category: Coding

  • Day 2/?: Firebase Fundamentals

    Hi again everyone and merry Christmas! Continuing from yesterday’s lesson, I reviewed Firebase’s documentation for how to connect it to an iOS app. Since I’m taking this as I go, I decided to make a note-keeping app that holds user data and allows them to update and delete them. Based on my previous knowledge of…

  • Day 1/? – Firebase Fundamentals

    So with all the excitement of other obligations, I wasn’t able to start my ambitious goal sooner (yesterday). But that’s okay, I’m ready to start tonight! I decided to start with Firebase as it’s the first thing on my list (and will come in handy with current projects I’m working on). As with most documentation,…

  • Revisiting My Goals

    Long time, no see! Time flies when you’re having fun, they say… And, regrettably, I haven’t been on for some time. But that changes today. Back in August, I wrote a post about goals I wanted to reach. I decided to revisit that, following a similar technique to 100 Days of Code. Here’s the plan…

  • Day 100: Kotlin Koans

    For my last day, I continued looking into the Koans. I ended up doing more reading than coding for these problems. However, I looked into some of the interactive examples included within the documentation.

  • A List of Goals I Want to Reach

    This is a little different than my usual 100 Days of Code posts but this is something important to me. I wanted to make myself a definite post to look back on of different skills I hope to better learn and understand. By doing this, I can become more confident in coding in a variety…

  • Day 99: Kotlin Koans

    I continued working on these exercises and was able to complete the Data classes challenge under Classes. I ended up trying to research and really understand some of the error messages as I attempted the different activities as well.

  • Day 98: Kotlin Koans

    I continued looking at the activities here with a focus on Default arguments. Although I wasn’t able to solve the problem, I’m starting to better understand how functions are written.

  • Day 97: Kotlin Koans

    I continued trying to work through the Koans I’ve mentioned in my last two posts. I wasn’t able to solve any of the problems but I also started to look through the others so I have an idea of what’s coming ahead and what else I can try my hands on.

  • Day 96: Kotlin Koans

    I continued looking over the activities I hadn’t answered but focused specifically on Nullable types. Even though I wasn’t able to answer it completely (one error message is holding me back), it’s really forcing me to understand the problem and find a solution.

  • Day 95: Kotlin Koans

    I continued making progress on the Koans presented on the Kotlin Play website. Since I was having some difficulty with the Named Arguments activity, I decided to try my hand at some of the other problems. I surprised myself and completed Triple-quoted strings and Nothing type. I’m hoping by completing these, I’ll get a better…