Category: Coding

  • Day 84: Client Website

    I further worked on the Skip Content link and found the reasons why it wasn’t displaying properly (wasn’t using the CSS position attribute combined with z-index, needed a clearer understanding of how the position attribute affected how the top value was displayed). A big thanks to NC State University’s IT Accessibility webpage, where I was…

  • Day 83: Client Website

    I continued cleaning up the About page and focused on styling for a Skip Content link.

  • Day 80: Client Website

    I was able to make progress on the following pages: Services (built a template for a requested feature as well as troubleshooting an issue with the title not appearing) Troubleshooting for some smaller issues with the other pages

  • Day 76: Client Website

    I continued working on some responsiveness issues for the photos as well as the functionality of the menu’s JavaScript functionality.

  • Day 75: Client Website

    Today, I focused and made progress on the following tasks: Making a dropdown menu for the hamburger icon (styling) Working on the JavaScript function to open and close the menu Looking into aligning a team member photo on the left-hand side of the screen

  • Day 74: Client Website

    I continue on working on photo responsiveness for the About page, as well as fixing file paths for display purposes. I also started on the JavaScript for the menu functionality on smaller screens.

  • Day 73: Client Website

    I focused again on the Services page and solved the following issues: Fixing the file paths for different files associated with the project (worked on a different system to develop) Resizing photos for different sized browsers Fixing the copyright symbol for the footer as it featured an extraneous character that only appeared on Safari (help…

  • Day 71: Swift

    I continued learning more about Swift’s loops from Hack with Swift’s 100 Days of SwiftIU: Day 4 here.

  • Day 69: Swift

    As I’m working on a project that requires it, I continued going through Paul Hudson’s “100 Days of Swift”, Day 3. It’s definitely helping me refresh my memory for the basic functions.

  • Day 66: Client Website

    Day 66: Client Website

    I’m currently working on reworking the Services page. I’ve made the basic layout of the page as per the client’s specifications and started taking steps to work on responsiveness for the different elements on the page.