Day 6: Client Website Progress
Today, I focused my attention on the navigation bar. I was able to meet the following goals: Put some white space between the logo and the icon padding property Space out links within the navigation Bootstrap’s Navbar article under Brands headed me in the right direction but W3School’s Bootstrap 4 Navs and Shuffle for Bootstrap’s…
Day 5: freeCodeCamp’s Learn Basic JavaScript “Testing Objects for Properties”
The first step towards knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.” Richard Cecil, found on BrainyQuote I decided to take another gander at this problem to look at another perspective. I still haven’t found the solution, but I did think of some tips to help myself get closer to the answer as well as…
Day 4: Client Website Progress
“You see, but do not observe.” -Sherlock Holmes, “A Scandal in Bohemia” Today’s focus was on (successfully!) changing the font used in Bootstrap as well as customizing the included navigation bar. On my journey to solve the later, I found a number of interesting resources as per usual. The first was this Themes.Guide “How to…
Day 3: Client Website Progress
This is my first client who currently doesn’t have a website! I’ve made some progress in the last month but I’ve been held back by the uncertainty of some new concepts I haven’t mastered yet. It’s because of them (as well as some future projects I want to implement) that I’m pushing myself to learn…
Day 2: freeCodeCamp’s Learn Basic JavaScript “Testing Objects for Properties”
Today I continued to look at the “Testing Objects for Properties” challenge. I wasn’t able to determine the solution yet, but I want to study it some more and see if I can find the solution before trying one of “Get Help” resources. I decided to make an effort to better understand the lesson as…
Day 1: freeCodeCamp’s Learn Basic JavaScript “Using Objects for Lookups” & “Testing Objects for Properties”
Wow, what a wordy title! As I stated for my introductory post “Another Attempt at #100DaysofCode”, I wanted to see this challenge through! My main source of projects will be dependent on the non-profit freeCodeCamp (or fCC for short) as they have a lot of helpful tutorials on learning the basics of different programming languages.…
Another Attempt at #100DaysOfCode
There are so many tasks we tell ourselves we’re going to complete. Sometimes, we accomplish them. Other times, we keep ignoring them because we constantly make excuses for ourselves. At this stage in my life, I tend to be the latter. Even though I repeatedly tell myself I’m finally going to get something done, I…