Day 73: Client Website
I focused again on the Services page and solved the following issues: Fixing the file paths for different files associated with the project (worked on a different system to develop) Resizing photos for different sized browsers Fixing the copyright symbol for the footer as it featured an extraneous character that only appeared on Safari (help…
Day 72: Client Website
I was able to figure out the carousel issue on the home page thanks to W3Schools and Bootstrap (putting the slide class in the wrong div tag). I was able to also figure out a sizing issue causing the first slide to be larger than the second. I’m currently working on resizing different elements for…
Day 71: Swift
I continued learning more about Swift’s loops from Hack with Swift’s 100 Days of SwiftIU: Day 4 here.
Day 70: Swift
Today I continued learning how to properly display text for a checklist. Another resource that’s helping me better understand Swift is CodeWithChris’ “How To Make An App – Xcode Tutorial (SwiftUI)“.
Day 69: Swift
As I’m working on a project that requires it, I continued going through Paul Hudson’s “100 Days of Swift”, Day 3. It’s definitely helping me refresh my memory for the basic functions.
Day 68: Client Website
I continued updating file paths as the photos weren’t displaying properly. I worked on updating a padding value to give some more whitespace to the Services’ page description and the visibility of alerts on the Contact Us page so they don’t initially show up. I also started reviewing what other features I’ll need to include…
Day 67: Client Website
Today I focused on making a few small changes within some of the website pages, including Updating file paths and service ids for homepage Working on styling the Contact Us button styling Changing the color of the titles on the Service page Changing the size width of the warnings on the Service page Updating what…
Day 66: Client Website
I’m currently working on reworking the Services page. I’ve made the basic layout of the page as per the client’s specifications and started taking steps to work on responsiveness for the different elements on the page.
Day 65: Kotlin and Android Studio
Today I tried to dive deeper into learning a bit more about Kotlin and Android Studio for another project that involves these languages. For the former, I’m using Android Studio’s beginners guides. The Kotlin guide can be found here while the Android app guide is here. I’m planning on uploading the code onto Github when…
Day 64: Client Website
I’ve been continuing work on trying to find the issue with responsive resizing for whitespace between the carousel and the section directly underneath it. I’ve noticed overall the it works for most dimensions but that for a few specific pixels (i.e. 572-574px) a weird spacing issue appears where too much whitespace separates them. Even removing…