Day 33: Flutter and Client Website
Today I split half of my time trying to learn more about Flutter’s syntax and continued my work on the client website. The latter I continued working on fixing small issues such as footer link alignment and started to add on to their Services page.
Day 32: Flutter
I’m trying to learn the basics of building Flutter apps. As a reference, I used the website’s official documentation “Write your first Flutter app“. Another helpful resource I found today was GeeksforGeeks’ “Flutter – Changing App Icon“.
Day 31: Client Website
I continued making progress on the client’s About page, focusing on formatting for larger screens. I’m trying a different look than what I initially proposed to see if I can get something closer to what they initially envisioned. Interesting references I looked at today include GeeksforGeeks’ “How to break line without using <br> tag in…
Day 30: Java
I continued learning more about Java today. I specifically tried to focus on breaking down the concepts learned yesterday to the bare minimum – I guess you could say I was using partly the Feynman technique (read more here!). I also tried using simple examples to learn about the Math library only to run into…
Day 29: Java
I’m following along with a textbook. It’s a little confusing but I’m hoping to pick up a better understanding as I continue practicing. Fun fact – naming files when running them have to be the same as the classes!
Day 28: freeCodeCamp Learn Basic JavaScript Record Collection
I decided to jump back into JS for a bit to give my mind some time to get back into learning this language. I’m stuck on another challenge but I’m trying to break it down and understand each element and why my solutions aren’t the correct answer. Photo by StockSnap on Pixabay.
Day 27: GitHub Personal Projects and Android Studio
I continued working on the GitHub project I mentioned yesterday, as well as taking steps to build an Android app to better improve my skills. I don’t want to say much at the moment until I’m closer to completing both but they’re both ideas I think are worth pursuing for my own understanding as well…
Day 26: Personal GitHub Project
I decided to switch things up for myself and continued adding the building blocks to a project I’ve been meaning to work on for some time. It was also a way to familiarize myself with GitHub as I still have a lot to learn about the different features. Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay.
Day 25: Client Website
Today I focused on responsiveness of the company logo and hamburger menu for different breakpoints. I’m visually learning the differences between min- and max-width for resizing, and I found the margin-top value was causing issues with whitespace between two elements of the page. Photo by StockSnap on Pixabay.
Day 24: Client Website
I continued work on the client website – their About and Contact Us pages. I made a bit more progress on the latter but wanted to start setting up the format on the former. One of the new things I learned today was that it’s possible to include more than one class within html tags…