Tag: css

  • Day 25: Client Website

    Day 25: Client Website

    Today I focused on responsiveness of the company logo and hamburger menu for different breakpoints. I’m visually learning the differences between min- and max-width for resizing, and I found the margin-top value was causing issues with whitespace between two elements of the page. Photo by StockSnap on Pixabay.

  • Day 22: Client Website

    Day 22: Client Website

    I focused on work for the navbar links; fixing the company logo; and working on some media query differences. Helpful resources for today’s session include Boostrap’s position element and the navbar element. Photo by StockSnap on Pixabay.

  • Day 21: Client Website

    Today I worked on the placement of the links in the footer as well as the footer itself; some media queries to ensure a consistent look across all screens; and on the sizing of the background image used for a specific page.

  • Day 20: Client Website

    I continued my progress on the client website, focusing on including previously made elements as well as photos and aligning them as needed and ensuring responsiveness in different screen sizes. Two helpful resources I used were MDN’s background-repeat and Treehouse’s How to Fix a Broken Image [Article]. A gentle reminder to myself – if an…

  • Day 18: CSS Media Queries and Client Website

    Day 18: CSS Media Queries and Client Website

    As I mentioned yesterday, I decided to continue learning about media queries with the lesson I found before. Although I wasn’t able to see the effects in real time (make sure to follow directions and download any other resources before starting, :’)), I’m glad I was able to start getting a handle on SCSS’s syntax.…

  • Day 17: Client Website

    Day 17: Client Website

    Today I tried to figure out why the CSS wasn’t being applied to the webpage. Today turned into some very interesting and trying times as it took an unexpected twist. I first thought I was editing the wrong index file but after checking into the location this turned out false. I also attempted to clear…

  • Day 16: Client Website

    Day 16: Client Website

    I continued adding on information about the team as well as spacing for the descriptions; modifying photos’ dimensions; and starting to build upon the other pages by putting foundational pieces included in each (footer and navbars). I removed the previously included borders for now as it doesn’t match the client’s requirements for the website. Something…

  • Day 15: Client Website

    Day 15: Client Website

    Today I continued working on the client website, specifically samples of the teams’ photos. As I wanted a smooth circle instead of rectangles for the borders, I adjusted the size of the photos so they were more rounded. I also played with different placement of the titles (I’m still working on finding the right combination…

  • Day 14: Client Website

    Day 14: Client Website

    Today I continued work on the client website. I focused on building one of the other pages so I could have a foundation and build upon them further when needed. I was able to get about 25% of the layout completed. A great resource I found a few months ago was the Lorem Ipsum Generator,…

  • Day 13: Client Website

    Day 13: Client Website

    Whoops, I missed another day… But that’s okay because I came back! 😉 Slow but steady progress is how I look at my tiny victories. These are the goals I completed: I started setting up the HTML for the other pages. I finally figured out how to resize a Bootstrap svg image. I was having…